
Showing posts from March, 2008

Can you heal yourself?

Cleaning out a box of old papers recently, I came across some pages that I had pulled out of an old copy of You Can Heal Your Life , by Louise Hay. Do you remember that phenomenon? It was popular in the 1980's--saying affirmations to counteract negative thinking that can show up as physical problems. So the pages that I saved were the index that lists 1) the ailment, 2) the psychological cause, and 3) the affirmation to turn it around. For example, for Chills it says the cause is "Mental contraction, pulling away and in. Desire to retreat. Leave me alone." And the affirmation is " I am safe and secure at all times. Love surrounds me and protects me. All is well. " For Colds, it says, "Too much going on at once. Mental confusion, disorder. Small hurts." And the affirmation is " I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and around me. " For Back Pain, it depends on where the pain is. There are different causes ...