
Showing posts from June, 2011

Declaration of Interdependence

What if someone from Santa Cruz had written that letter to King George in 1776? Declaration of Interdependence Dear King George, There are some things we need to discuss. But before we get into that, we just want you to know that we love you and we will continue to love you even if our relationship changes.


I went to see Cave of Forgotten Dreams with a friend last night. The movie was boring (another friend says it's better in 3-D), however I like thinking about people throughout time.

A Thank-you Note

Dear Sentient Beings: I keep wanting to go towards samsara, but you keep asking me to do Dharma things. Thank you for protecting me from myself. Sincerely, Merely-labeled Me P.S. Self-cherishing Me is not onboard with this at all and wants no part of this thank-you note. Self-cherishing Me just wants you to leave me alone so that I can go back to ruining my life.