independent, self-sufficient, in control...

The Dharma tends to follow me around even when I'm goofing off, like this afternoon in the middle of a mystery book. Read this:

"What he found was that he had never felt a true emotional bond with anyone but Dawn. And the fact that the connection had been half lies on her part, half fantasy on his, left him a husk--having finally learned to value something that didn't exist.
"Karl Arrowood had not only taken Dawn from him, he had taken his perception of himself and his way of relating to the world. No longer would he see himself as independent, self-sufficient, in control of his life."

It sounds like this Karl guy did him a great favor, doesn't it.

You Perfection of Wisdom students will recognize the reference to the 'object of refutation' (gakja).

[excerpt from And Justice There Is None, Deborah Crombie]


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