The Evolution of God

Here is an interview that my friend forwarded to me. It relates to something I've been writing recently on Buddhist Perspectives on God.

This part is interesting--from the interview with Robert Wright:
It’s not the theology of Buddhism that attracts me to it. And there is no single theology of Buddhism. Some Buddhists are essentially atheistic. Most [in Asia] are not. Most of the things Americans think about Buddhism in Asia – that Buddhists meditate and don’t believe in god – are for most Buddhists in Asia, wrong. Most of them...are theistic and don’t meditate. The monks meditate.

Evolution of God, by Robert Wright


  1. i like this blog. i think it makes a lot of sense to me and perhaps why i often have a difficult time relating to "american buddhists" sometime. although my background being raised was not as a buddhist, i do have some asian/chinese buddhist ancestors and although i was not raised to know chinese culture or tradition well, i do understand how they and many other asians (including thai friends who are theravada, and others) are not really 'atheistic' by strict definition, as many americans and europeans tend to see themselves.
    thank you for this.


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